Tuesday, May 21

Discovering God’s Voice with Bishop Gene Robinson and the Closet

PUBLISHED: January 21, 2024 at 3:09 pm

Bishop Gene Robinson is a name that resonates with the LGBTQ+ community and the Episcopal Church. His journey as the first openly gay bishop in Christendom has been a profound testament to the power of authenticity and love.

In November 2003, Gene Robinson was consecrated as the ninth bishop of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church. This momentous occasion was not without controversy. As the first openly gay bishop, Robinson faced opposition and threats from those who opposed his appointment. He even wore a bullet-proof vest during the consecration ceremony, highlighting the risks he faced for being true to himself.

“There have been a lot of us, let’s just be clear. I’m just the first openly-gay one.” – Bishop Gene Robinson

Throughout his journey, Bishop Robinson remained steadfast in his commitment to living authentically. He openly acknowledged that there have always been gay bishops in the Episcopal Church, but he was determined to be the first to openly embrace his identity. Bishop Robinson’s authenticity became a driving force, inspiring others to live their lives openly and truthfully.

“It’s an awful thing to stand in a pulpit and encourage people to live authentic lives when you know you’re not being authentic.” – Bishop Gene Robinson

Bishop Robinson’s journey came with personal sacrifices. He had to navigate the complexities of his own relationships, including his divorce from his wife, Isabella Martin, and his subsequent partnership with Mark Andrew. When discussing his daughters’ understanding of his sexuality, Robinson recalls a heartwarming conversation that emphasized love and acceptance.

“I’ve learned that I’m one of those men who like men. And your mom and I have together decided that she deserves a chance to find someone who can love her in that special way. And I deserve the opportunity to find someone to love in my way.” – Bishop Gene Robinson

Bishop Robinson’s appointment as the first openly gay bishop came at a cost. Threats, hate mail, and opposition from within the church were constant challenges he faced. He recounts receiving death threats immediately after his election, with derogatory messages attempting to undermine his faith and character. Despite these hardships, Bishop Robinson remained steadfast in his belief that God had called him to be true to himself.

“It’s why I felt God called me out of the closet.” – Bishop Gene Robinson

Bishop Robinson’s courage and perseverance paved the way for future LGBTQ+ bishops in the Episcopal Church. Today, there are openly gay bishops like Thomas Brown of Maine and Jeff Mello of Connecticut, who credit Bishop Robinson as their inspiration and refer to him as their legacy. The acceptance and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals within the church continue to grow, thanks to Bishop Robinson’s trailblazing efforts.

“I think in 50 years there will be a date on our calendar that will have his name to it, which is to say that he will be recorded in the calendar of saints.” – Bishop Thomas Brown

In addition to his role as a trailblazer for LGBTQ+ inclusion, Bishop Robinson played a significant part in the memorialization of Matthew Shepard. Shepard, a young gay Episcopalian, was brutally beaten and left to die in 1998. His tragic death became a symbol of hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community. Twenty years later, Bishop Robinson presided over a solemn ceremony at the National Cathedral, where Shepard’s ashes were laid to rest.

“I was crying for all of my community who have died violently, punished for being who they are, loving who they love.” – Bishop Gene Robinson

Bishop Gene Robinson’s impact extends beyond his time as an active bishop. His commitment to authenticity, love, and inclusion has left a lasting legacy within the Episcopal Church and the LGBTQ+ community. Today, his name is synonymous with courage, resilience, and progress. The Smithsonian seeks to display his vestments, and his chapel at St. Thomas Episcopal Church serves as a reminder of the transformative power of embracing one’s true self.

“I know I’m not pure as the driven snow. But in my life, I’m happy with what I’ve done with what God has put in front of me.” – Bishop Gene Robinson

Bishop Gene Robinson’s journey as the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church has been one of courage, sacrifice, and resilience. His unwavering commitment to authenticity and love has paved the way for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals within the church. Bishop Robinson’s legacy will continue to inspire generations to come, reminding us all of the power of embracing our true selves and standing up for what we believe in.

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Varun Kumar is an experienced content writer with over 8 years of expertise in crafting engaging and informative articles. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Varun has successfully delivered high-quality content across various industries. His proficiency in research and ability to adapt to different writing styles ensure that his work resonates with diverse audiences. Varun's dedication to delivering exceptional results makes him a valuable asset to any content-driven project.
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