Wednesday, May 8

Tag: Bishop Gene Robinson

Discovering God’s Voice with Bishop Gene Robinson and the Closet

Discovering God’s Voice with Bishop Gene Robinson and the Closet

Bishop Gene Robinson is a name that resonates with the LGBTQ+ community and the Episcopal Church. His journey as the first openly gay bishop in Christendom has been a profound testament to the power of authenticity and love. In November 2003, Gene Robinson was consecrated as the ninth bishop of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church. This momentous occasion was not without controversy. As the first openly gay bishop, Robinson faced opposition and threats from those who opposed his appointment. He even wore a bullet-proof vest during the consecration ceremony, highlighting the risks he faced for being true to himself. "There have been a lot of us, let's just be clear. I'm just the first openly-gay one." - Bishop Gene Robinson Throughout his journey, Bishop Robinson remained steadfast in...