Wednesday, May 8

Tag: Tea Hack

US Scientist’s Mind-Blowing Tea Hack: Add Salt for the Perfect Sip

US Scientist’s Mind-Blowing Tea Hack: Add Salt for the Perfect Sip

Tea has long been a beloved beverage around the world, with each country having its own traditions and preferences when it comes to brewing the perfect cup. Recently, an American scientist, Michelle Francl, has caused quite a stir with her unconventional tea hack - adding a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor. This unexpected suggestion has sparked a trans-Atlantic debate, with reactions ranging from outrage to curiosity. Francl, a chemistry professor at Bryn Mawr College, shared her insights on achieving the "perfect cup of tea" in her recently published book, "Steeped: The Chemistry of Tea." One of her controversial recommendations is the addition of a pinch of salt to tea. According to Francl, this small amount of salt can reduce the bitterness of tea by blocking the bitter receptors...