Wednesday, May 8

Tag: Sleep Disorders

Study says Impact of irregular working hours on long-term health

Study says Impact of irregular working hours on long-term health

Working non-traditional hours could have long-term effects on your health, according to a recent study conducted by researchers in the field. The research was primarily published in the Plos One journal. It involved over 7,000 subjects, tracked over three decades, starting from the age of 22 to 50. The aim of the study was to explore the impact of irregular work patterns, especially those involving sleep, on the physical and mental health of individuals. The research defined "standard" work hours as those starting at 6 a.m. or later and ending by 6 p.m. In contrast, irregular or volatile work schedules were classified as those commencing at 2 p.m. or later and ending by midnight. The study showed that people who worked non-traditional hours faced a significantly higher likelihood ...
Understanding the Link Between Sleep Disorders and Suicide Tendencies

Understanding the Link Between Sleep Disorders and Suicide Tendencies

We've all encountered the crankiness that comes with a restless night — yet a prolonged phase of poor sleep health could lead to far graver consequences than that. Some health experts caution that individuals who suffer from chronic sleep issues are more likely to experience suicidal thoughts. Research indicates that 42% of Americans have expressed worries about their mental health, and 18% confess they've grappled with suicidal thoughts at some point this past year. Suicide is an intricate issue with several overlapping risk factors. There isn't a single cause of suicide — it is a convergence of health factors, along with other psychosocial and environmental variables that can amplify the probability of someone taking their own life. These can encompass social and environmental fact...
Boost Your Memory with These 5 Lifestyle Adjustments According to a Neuroscience Expert

Boost Your Memory with These 5 Lifestyle Adjustments According to a Neuroscience Expert

Ever wanted to have a sharper memory? A Neuroscience expert gives us five simple daily practices to boost your brain and enhance your memory. We often overlook the importance of maintaining brain health as a part of our overall wellbeing. However, taking steps to stimulate and protect our brain health can significantly reduce the risk of diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. In this post, we explore five lifestyle adjustments that neuroscience expert and mental wellness coach, Rachelle Summers, recommends for improving your memory. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, an estimated 6.7 million Americans aged 65 and older had Alzheimer’s disease in 2023. Although the disease is more common among the elderly, it can affect younger individuals as well. Practicing healthy habits...