Wednesday, May 8

Tag: San Francisco 49ers

Tim McKyer Resolves Hit-and-Run Allegations

Tim McKyer Resolves Hit-and-Run Allegations

Tim McKyer, a well-known name in the world of American football and a three-time Super Bowl champion, has recently made headlines for reaching a resolution in his hit-and-run legal case. It started on February 19, when McKyer, the former San Francisco 49ers defensive back, was accused of crashing his Tesla into five parked vehicles in a parking garage in Riviera Beach, Florida. He was then alleged to have left the scene without notifying anyone. McKyer was subsequently charged with five counts of leaving the scene of an accident with property damage. This posed a serious threat to the ex-NFL player, who faced the prospect of significant time behind bars. In a turn of events last Friday, McKyer reached an agreement with the prosecutors. He consented to enter into a pretrial diversi...