Tuesday, May 21

Tag: Milky Way

Astronomers Uncover the Milky Way’s Most Massive Black Hole Yet

Astronomers Uncover the Milky Way’s Most Massive Black Hole Yet

In an unexpected turn of events, astronomers from around the globe have stumbled upon the most massive black hole in the Milky Way galaxy. This discovery, made possible by the European Space Agency's Gaia space observatory, has caused ripples in the scientific community, leading to a reevaluation of existing theories on star formation and growth. While analyzing data from the Gaia space observatory, scientists made an inadvertent discovery - the largest dormant black hole in our galaxy, named Gaia BH3. This celestial entity is 33 times the mass of our Sun and has upended our understanding of the universe. Black holes are regions in space where gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape. Typically, black holes are detected by the X-ray radiation they emit when interacting with...
Exploring the Origins of Cosmic Rays in the Milky Way

Exploring the Origins of Cosmic Rays in the Milky Way

Cosmic rays have long fascinated scientists with their mysterious origins and powerful energy levels. These charged particles, which travel through space at nearly the speed of light, have been a subject of intense research and speculation for over a century. In recent years, Chinese scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of High Energy Physics have made significant strides in unraveling the enigma of cosmic rays by identifying a potential source within our very own galaxy, the Milky Way. In a recent study published in Science Bulletin, Chinese scientists revealed the existence of a massive gamma-ray bubble within the star-forming region Cygnus OB2. This bubble, dubbed a "super PeVatron," has the remarkable ability to accelerate particles to super-high energy levels,...