Tuesday, May 21

Tag: Melatonin

New Standards Suggested for Melatonin Producers as Hospital Visits Escalate

New Standards Suggested for Melatonin Producers as Hospital Visits Escalate

The Council for Responsible Nutrition is calling on melatonin manufacturers to adopt new packaging guidelines aimed at promoting responsible use. The move comes as a response to a surge in emergency room visits by children who have ingested melatonin supplements unsupervised. Melatonin supplements are widely recognized as an effective sleep aid. While typically presenting few side effects, high-dose consumption can lead to complications. Recently, an alarming rise in ER visits by children who have taken these supplements without supervision has been reported, leading to a call for action. “These guidelines are the latest in a series of voluntary measures that CRN members have adopted, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to consumer safety and market integrity,” said Steve Mister,...