Wednesday, May 8

Tag: iPhones

Putting Wet iPhones in Rice: Is It a Good Idea?

Putting Wet iPhones in Rice: Is It a Good Idea?

When it comes to rescuing wet iPhones, the popular advice has been to place them in a bag of rice. However, recent guidance from Apple suggests that this may not be the best course of action. In this article, we will explore why drying iPhones in rice may not be effective and what alternative methods Apple recommends. For years, the idea of using rice to dry out wet electronics has been widely circulated. The belief is that uncooked rice acts as a desiccant, drawing moisture out of the device. However, experts have long advised against this method, citing its ineffectiveness. Apple has now joined the chorus of caution, explicitly warning users not to put their wet iPhones in rice. Why is rice drying ineffective? Firstly, rice particles can potentially cause damage to the delicate int...