Tuesday, May 7

Tag: Hairstyles

The Impact of Texas School Policies on Hairstyles: A Legal Analysis

The Impact of Texas School Policies on Hairstyles: A Legal Analysis

In the state of Texas, the issue of school policies and their impact on students' hairstyles has been a subject of controversy and legal battles. Recently, a judge ruled on a case involving a Texas high school student, Darryl George, who was suspended for wearing his hair in long locs. The judge's decision has sparked discussions about the interpretation and application of the CROWN Act, a law designed to prevent race-based hair discrimination. Darryl George, an 18-year-old junior at Barbers Hill High School, found himself at the center of a heated debate when he was suspended for wearing his hair in long locs. The school cited their dress code policy, which prohibits male students from having hair that extends beyond their eyebrows, earlobes, or collars. George and his family argued th...