Tuesday, May 21

Tag: Eclipse

New Jersey sky lit up with fireball after Eclipse and Earthquake

New Jersey sky lit up with fireball after Eclipse and Earthquake

New Jersey, a state known for its bustling cities and beautiful shorelines, recently had another spectacle added to its list – a dazzling fireball lighting up the night sky. Early Wednesday morning, residents of New Jersey were greeted by an unexpected light show. A brilliant fireball descended from the heavens, illuminating the dark sky. This notable event was the grand finale of a week that was already marked by a series of natural occurrences, including a solar eclipse and an earthquake. Reports of the fireball spread rapidly across New Jersey and neighboring states, such as Connecticut, New York, and Pennsylvania. The American Meteor Society, a platform that allows the public to report celestial sightings, logged numerous observations around 3:45 a.m. Astronomical expe...