Wednesday, May 8

Tag: British surgeon says Gaza ‘beyond the worst’

British surgeon says Gaza ‘beyond the worst’

British surgeon says Gaza ‘beyond the worst’

Jordan's king warned that Israel's bombing was producing a "entire generation of orphans," while a British surgeon who oversaw an emergency medical team in central Gaza said the situation atHe said that the Al-Aqsa hospital was "beyond any doubt the worst thing" he had ever seen. Dr. Nick Maynard told CNN's Isa Soares on Monday, "There's been multiple traumatic amputations of children... horrific burns, the likes of which I've never seen before." His team was forced to leave the hospital due to an uptick in Israeli military action. He highlighted the terrible humanitarian situation and scarcity of medical supplies in the Palestinian enclave after more than three months of Israeli shelling when he remarked that frequently "there is nothing at all to relieve these individuals' agony." ...