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Farrah Abraham Slams Proposed Social Media Ban in Florida


According to Farrah Abraham, she is displeased with a potential bill in Florida that aims to prohibit children from using social media. She believes that this bill is focused on blaming the victims instead of addressing the root problem.

According to the latest development, the Florida House of Representatives has approved a new legislation on Wednesday, which prohibits individuals under the age of 16 from having a social media account. This measure aims to safeguard the mental well-being of children.

The photo shows Farrah Abraham and her daughter Sophia.

During our conversation on Friday, Farrah expressed her belief that the complete opposite is actually true. She believes that social media has a positive impact on children and restricting their usage could stifle their creativity. Furthermore, it could also have an impact on their personal branding and potential earnings.

The author expresses concern that restricting children’s access to social media will hinder their mental resilience and development. They argue that isolating children from the real world will not benefit them in any way.

This Instagram media is not accessible.

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According to FA, in order for legislators to regulate social media, they should concentrate on addressing the issue of predators who pose a danger on social media. She argues that instead of punishing children, such as her daughter Sophia, who use these platforms, the focus should be on cracking down on the “criminals” who target and harm children.

According to her, her 14-year-old child, who has over 800k followers, receives direct messages from adult men on social media, and on Cameo they request pictures of her feet.

The recommendation is to develop online instructional modules in order to educate a larger number of children about the potential dangers of the Internet.

As per Farrah’s statement, she has completed online safety training which has greatly benefited her. Furthermore, she has also shared the knowledge gained from these courses with her daughter, Sophia.

The following image depicts a scene captured by TMZ, showing a square aspect ratio and taken on January 26, 2024. The photo, which can be viewed in a 16 by 9 format, features a subject in a pose with a background of a bluish hue.

TMZ Studios is currently under investigation by TMZ.

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Following our conversation with her, Farrah uploaded a video restating multiple points that we discussed regarding the improvement of safety for children on social media.

The necessary tools are available on Instagram under the username @farrahabraham.

Farrah strongly believes that children should be allowed to maintain their online presence and she is against the proposed legislation in Florida.

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